Social Justice as Expressed in International Labour Standards

The ILO documents and materials collected here can effectively complement textbooks for undergraduate and postgraduate studies at universities in English-speaking countries and other countries following the growing trend to introduce bilingual education and English-speaking programmes of study. Thanks to its multidisciplinary approach, this book is particularly useful for the subjects of Labour Law, International Law and International Human Rights Law. It can also be suggested for courses in Economics, Business and International Relations.

The ILO documents may also be of use to such legal professionals as lawyers, legislators and human rights defenders, who must increasingly consult international labour standards.

Besides being informational and educational, this compilation of documents is of scientific value as it contributes to the analytical systematization of ILO documents. The materials are organized into three blocks: General Principles and Fundamental Rights, Conventions and Recommendations, and the Supervisory Mechanism.

Finally, this book contributes to promotion of the humanistic ideas of the ILO, which fall under the maximum value of social justice. In doing so, it commemorates the upcoming centenary of the oldest intergovernmental international organization.


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